(618) 877-3576

A Loving, Caring Pet Hospital

Bellemore Animal Hospital

Why Not To Leave Your Pet In the Car!!!

8 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Dog In The Summer

1.  Never ever leave your dog in the car.

2.  Make sure your dog has unlimited access to fresh water.

3.  Make sure your dog has access to shade.

4.  Take walks during the cooler hours of the day.

5.  Stay away from hot surfaces (such as asphalt) as it can burn your dog's feet.

6.  Keep your dog free of external parasites such as ticks and fleas.  Come in and get some Trifexis or Advantage Multi today.

7.  Consider clipping or shaving your dog's fur (those with long coats).  Apply sunscreen to your dog's skin if he or she has a thin coat.

8.  Remember, if its too hot for you, its too hot for them!